Customer Testimonials
Moulexpert - Customer Testimonials
2018-04-11 08:51:50

From: Steve Nadeau
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:55 PM
To: Edward Kroliczak

Hi Mr Kroliczak,

I will attend the NPE with a colleague of Moulexpert from May 9th to 11th.

At Moulexpert, we are a mold maker in plastic injection for the thin wall packaging industry. Molds for containers, lids and closures for example.

I understand that your booth set-up at the NPE will be probably more oriented for plastic molders.

However, our company is already using 4 magnetic tables from SOPH on a daily basis for our 4 CNC milling. We are very pleased with the results. I am usually talking with Terasa Kras at Fenton.

I would appreciate to take this opportunity at the show to talk about it with you.

If you can provide information before the show, it would also be appreciate.


Steve Nadeau